La gastronomía mexicana es más que un platillo típico, involucramos olores, colores y texturas con las que preparamos alimentos exquisitos basados en tradiciones, historias, magia. Historias sabrosas nos lleva a recorrer México para descubrir sitios maravillosos que ayudan a reconectar con nuestras raíces, nuestra anfitriona es la chef y fotógrafa Ana Saldaña quien nos ayuda a reconocer los ingredientes y a utilizarlos en deliciosas recetas, sin duda una serie que nos lleva a un viaje a través de los sabores de México.
Documentary series
Genre. Factual / Culinary / Food
Production Year. 2012 – 2014
Episodes and duration. Season 02 34×26’
Format. HD
Mexican gastronomy is much more than tacos and tequila, our kitchens are made with textures, colors and aromas that give us a special perspective about the food we made, preparations based on tradition, stories and believe us is quite magical.
Delicious stories, a trip through wonderful places that help the audience to reconnect with the very old roots through the experience of our host, chef and photographer Ana Saldaña who will meet ingredients and recipes to take us into this magical ambience creating delicious dishes for the most refined palates.
Reviews for: Historias sabrosas/
Delicious stories
Delicious stories